Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Doctor Who: The Waters Of Mars - Proof of The Master's Return

Rehash The Waters of Mars & its an anagram of The Wars of The Master. John Simm to return!

Doctor Who by James - possibly the best blog on Doctor Who written by a major fan.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Captain Jack is Back in Children of Earth

TORCHWOOD - Children of Earth

"Torchwood: outside the government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st Century is when everything changes and Torchwood is ready"--- Captain Jack Harkness

Captain Jack is back. Join the Torchwood team for the epic Children of Earth, available on Torchwood - Children of Earth [DVD] [2009] from this coming Monday. It is also available on Blu-ray (£17.88).

Lots more Torchwood items.

Doctor Who by James - possibly the best blog on Doctor Who written by a major fan.

Doctor Who Wish List Suggestions

There are some great offers on Daleks DVD box sets:

The Dalek war box set:

and a Jon Pertwee limited edition:

and for Tom Baker fans:

and David Tennant: The Next Doctor - 2008 Christmas special:

Here is a link to a selection of Doctor Who toys, bedlinen, books, DVDs which will all make superb Christmas presents. Pop them on your wish list now.
Doctor Who gifts store

Doctor Who by James - possibly the best blog on Doctor Who written by a major fan.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Doctor Who Figure Review - Cyberman (Tomb of the Cybermen)

Here is a review of the Cyberman from the Second Doctor episode, The Tomb of the Cybermen which was broadcast in 1967. This figure includes two Cybermats (Cyber Slugs) and the chest and right arm of the collect and build Cyber Controller which is also from the Tomb of the Cybermen.

The Tomb of the Cybermen