In Series 5, we met the 11th Doctor played by Matt Smith.
Matt Smith: the 11th Doctor
Amy Pond: the 11th Doctor's travelling companion
Throughout this series there have been cracks in time. If the crack reaches you, you will be erased from time ie you will have never existed which is what happened to Amy Pond's boyfriend, Rory, in episode 9 and to some soldiers in episode 5.
Also throughout the series we have come across the crack in various locations and it has been getting bigger. In episode 9, The Doctor reached with his hand inside the crack and pulled out something hot: a smouldering piece of the emergency call sign hanging on the outside of the tardis. If The Doctor had not been so curious about what might be inside the crack, they would have reached the safety of the tardis in time and Rory would not have been shot dead by a Silurian/Homo Reptiliar. He was shot by a heat gun which would burn him from the inside out, slowly. The Doctor wanted to drag him into the Tardis to heal him from the wound but he couldn't because the light from the crack had already surrounded Rory so they had to leave him to be erased. The Doctor asked Amy to keep remembering him so that his memory would stay even though he was dead but she could not retain his memory. The force from the crack's energy was too strong so even she forgot that Rory had ever existed.
In episode 12, Rory came back in the body of a Roman soldier and recognised Amy but wasn't sure why. The Doctor had kept Amy's diamond engagement ring safe in his pocket and she found it and quizzed him about it. There was a flash of a memory for her but she didn't understand. When she met Roman soldier Rory, she did not remember him but he knew her. The Doctor gave Rory the ring and told him to go after her. Bit by bit she remembered Rory Williams, from Ledworth, her boyfriend/fiáncé but it was too late because he now realised he wasn't a living, breathing Roman soldier but an Auton, designed to look like a human Roman soldier. His hand opened and revealed a gun. He tried to hold on to his human identity as Rory but the strength of the Auton was too strong and by accident, he shot Amy.

In episode 10, we had a story based on Vincent van Gogh. In episode 12, River Song gave a painting to the Doctor which was a present from van Gogh: a painting of the Tardis exploding. Instead of the police call box sign hanging on the outside, there was a message "The Pandorica will open" and a message told them to go to Stonehenge during the time of the Romans.
At Stonehenge one of the rocks opened revealing a secret underground chamber. River detected transmissions from other creatures and realised that all of the Doctor's old enemies were coming to that place including the Daleks, the Cybermen, Slitheen, Sontarans, Silurians and the Hoix. The Doctor thought they were all aiming for that place to fight one another over the Pandorica. The Pandorica reminded Amy of the story of Pandora's Box. However, he discovered they were actually forming an alliance to trap the Doctor because they believed that the crack originated from the Tardis and only the Doctor could fly the Tardis. In fact, River Song was flying the Tardis but an external force had taken control and brought River to Amy's house on 26 June 2010 ie the date of the final episode of this series. There River found two children's books on Pandora's Box and Roman soldiers, identical to those back at Stonehenge. She realised the Roman soldiers at Stonehenge with The Doctor were not real.
The alliance took the Doctor captive and strapped him down inside the Pandorica. They mistakenly believed that he was trying to destroy the universe because whoever was behind the crack had that intention and they thought it was the pilot of the Tardis ie The Doctor. They did not know that River Song and a couple of other people can in fact fly the Tardis. The other pilots could be the Dreamlord although he does not have his own body or The Master. In the final episode of the previous series with David Tennant, The Master disappeared so I think he could have taken control of the Tardis and be behind this mysterious crack. It has always been his intention to destroy or rule the universe.
Many of the new figures and merchandise from Series 5 are now available. Just click on the links:
Doctor Who Series 5 DVD/BluRayDoctor Who 2010 Figures (includes new Series 5 and some characters from classic episodes)
2010 Series 5 Red Dalek Drone 2010 Wave 1 Action Figures: Regeneration Weeping Angel

2010 Wave 1 Action Figures: Ironside MOD Dalek
Dalek MOD Ironside Victory poster
Infrared Battle: Remote Control Dalek: Blue Dalek Strategist
Flight Controlled TARDIS
Doctor Who Tshirts